Vision Mission, Strategy
and Situation 2021



The founders of the European Foundation for Clinical Nanomedicine (CLINAM), Beat Löffler and Patrick Hunziker, noticed 2007 that the field of nanomedicine as a cross discipline in many fields of medical research was subject of great interest by the technical industry. Mainly there was a by the EC promoted network of industrials, debating the future and the possible technology investments for nanomedicine. The clinicians were scarcely involved.

This situation led to the first part of the vision was to shape an institution that would involve clinicians and would assist to exploring and translating leading edge technologies towards clinical application, with an emphasis on nanomedicine, targeted medicine, precision medicine and personalization. The clinicians would state the needs and hurdles in diagnosis and therapy and the industry would develop accordingly.

The second part of the vision was to create a network between all stakeholders in Nanomedicine and to start a conference line in which clinicians, reserachers, and industrials in pharmacology, toolmakers as well as investors and regulatory authorities would meet in order to learn from each other. This would lead t to the acceleration of developments in nanomedicine to the benefit of the patients and humankind.

The third part of the vision was that Löffler and Hunziker would explore all needs the field and to integrate them in the concept of their institution.

The fourth part of the vision was to establish a lab to include the work by the research group Swissnano led by Patrick Hunziker.



The first step how to achieve this vision was to choose for a nonprofit organization the creation of a foundation. It was founded in Basel, Switzerland under the name “European Foundation for Clinical Nanomedicine (CLINAM)

This foundation listed the following goals:

  1. Building a European and worldwide neutral platform to accelerate the research, dissemination and cooperation in Nanomedicine and to inspire medical doctors and clinicians to involve in the shaping of the field.
  1. An Annual Summit with Pioneers and young researchers in dialogue to make projects, cooperation and continuous progress together.
  1. A European society and an International society for nanomedicine to bring together all members of the worldwide nanomedicine community.
  1. A journal for nanomedicine as a nonprofit journal with easy pathways to publish hot topics in the field.
  1. A hub for project ideas and participation European Framework Projects.
  1. The CLINAM Lab based on the years before by Patrick Hunziker founded Swissnano group for nanomedicine.


Hunziker and Löffler made an action plan for the implementation of the different missions and created:

  • The European Society for Nanomedicine (2007) 
  • The International Society for Nanomedicine (2008)
  • The European and Global Summit for Clinical Nanomedicine (2008)
  • The European Journal for Nanomedicine (2007)
  • The CLINAM Lab, connected to the University Hospital Basel (2007)
  • The Participation in European Framework Projects in research by Hunziker and dissemination by Löffler (Nanomed 1 and 2, Nanoathero, Discognosis and Digital Twins and STOA) (2008 -2021)

Today (2021)

The European Society for Nanomedicine has today 1’200 members from all over Europe. The majority of them regularly visit the CLINAM summits or summer schools.

The International Society for Nanomedicine was created with members of all continents, in order to update each other on the developments. The society shapes international debates and summer schools and creates worldwide cooperaton (Today involved countries and continents: Africa, Australia, USA, Japan, South Korea, China, Europe, South America, Singapore,) It is planned to develop a circle with hubs in all places and to organize regular zoom debates.  

The CLINAM summit is today one of Europe’s leading experimental medicine meetings in Nanomedicine and related fields and a globally unique event that brings together all stakeholders in nanomedicine, targeted medicine and precision medicine. The summit builds on the principle that fundamental and applied science, scientists, developers, clinicians, regulators and professionals from various related fields can mutually learn from each other to find better solutions. This leads to mutual trust, new collaboration and consortia of experts that will accelerate the development and strengthen the efforts towards a medicine that delivers more benefits to patients and society. The event is especially appreciated since many players in this field create mutual understanding, new friendship and trust, leading to cooperation.

The CLINAM Journal is today an online journal under the name PRNANO:  All content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. The journal promotes all practical, rational, and progressive aspects of nanomedicine includingtheory and practice. Authors are invited to send submissions in basic science, translational, preclinical, and clinical research.

The CLINAM Lab is located since 4 years in a building at Bernoullistrasse, close to the University and the University Hospital Basel. Patrick Hunziker’s diverse research projects are listed in the chapter CLINAM-LAB on this website.